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August 7th,2008-fasting day

today is the 2nd day that i fast (last thursday&today). its not really for 'ganti puasa' cos i dont need to 'ganti'.last puasa i didnt have my period at came 3days after raya.yeah its late!!. so the 2 days i only fast cos 'temankan' mak andeh 'ganti' her puasa. then we have this Method class at 4 til 7.3hours but we came late at 4.30 pm. and our stomach started grumbling cos we are fasting. then while in this class, i sat next to this curly-haired boy who is so annoying. our lecturer asked us to analyze the journal topic that she showed in front of the class. then he started asking if we should analyze the earlier title that she showed before. the lecturer started to get irritated and said "i asked you to analyze this title, not any do this first!!" then again when she asked to identify the component in a research, he started acting like he was the smartest one of all in class. that is super-irritating. when we queued up to show our lecturer the topic we chose to study, he even cut the line & refused to line up. i told him "you are cheating & line up at the back!!! i was here first". i was wondering who is this guy? i've never seen him before & why does he have to be so annoying to people around him?right so then after class, me & mak andeh hurried up to go back cos we planned to cook fried rice for our break of fast. but first we have to go to the cafeteria at college to buy some burger's meat (the meat u used in burger)&some sausages.then at 7.15, i started cooking.(my job is to cook only.all the other job like washing the dish & cleaning up, it was mak andeh's & her roommate, ana's job) when maghrib comes, i still didnt finish cooking. so she helped to make it finish faster so we can eat (we break fast with drinking first). the dish was so good that we ate it all. (you should have taste it.delicious!)at first we thought to keep some for tomorrow.hahaha what an eater we are!! then after all of us are full, we started to act like lazy-bump.hahahah what the heck of a day today

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